Can You Be Better Than Your Best?
Coach Al sharing his positive vibe! Happy Friday! I thought I’d share a tidbit with all of you this morning, that has drawn some interest on Facebook… An ironman triathlete I coach, in her unending...
View ArticleDo Your Calves Ever Cramp When Swimming? Here’s Why!
There's nothing like a painful calf cramp to ruin an otherwise enjoyable swim, ya know? They seem to happen at the worst times and very often, they'll happen in our most important races. Frustrating!...
View ArticleDon’t Forsake Long Term Improvement for Short Term Gain
Coach Al sharing his positive vibe! Happy Friday! One of the benefits of having been a coach for so many years, is recognizing certain trends that are typical for developing triathletes, whether they...
View ArticleAre You Eating In Harmony With Your Goals?
Two triathletes recently contacted me to set up nutrition consultations. Both are staring down at upcoming Ironman distance races and neither is satisfied with their training progress to this point....
View ArticleAre You A Porsche Or A Cadillac?
Anyone who knows me well, knows I'm a car nut. I've always loved classics and muscle cars, and I love to go fast. So when I have the chance to draw an analogy between cars and running, how could I...
View ArticleOne Quarter of an Inch!
When asked what he thought was man’s greatest invention, Albert Einstein didn't reply the wheel, the lever, or for that matter, anything else you might expect, he replied, "compound interest.” Do you...
View ArticleYou Need To Strengthen Your Glute Medius!
...Or DO you? So listen, has a sports medicine professional, personal trainer or coach ever told you that your glute medius (or minimus) is weak, or that you need to strengthen it? Or, that this...
View ArticleDo You Ever Ask Yourself These Questions?
As a coach, people sometimes think I have all the answers... I don't. No one does. The truth is, in order to be successful, sometimes the athlete needs to look in the mirror and ask themselves some...
View ArticleYou’re Surviving But Are You Thriving?
Some days I find myself having to defend my philosophy that we ought to move well and have a handle on some basic skills, first, before we load up on more miles or intensity, or sign-up for that...
View ArticleI Don’t Care How “Talented” You Are…
We know that each of us is born with our own natural talent and physiological gifts. When it comes to the sports we love like swimming, biking, and running, some are more naturally gifted, having...
View ArticleWhat Is The ONE THING You Need MOST To Be Successful?
Recently I had a conference call with a group of triathletes who were seeking advice. I asked them point blank: as athletes, what was the one thing they needed to do, or pay more attention to, that...
View ArticleWhich Is It: Strength Or Endurance?
I received this email question the other day from a reader of the blog: "I keep having this argument with a friend of mine who is an ultra-runner and believes endurance is a lot more important than...
View ArticleIs STRAVA The Newest Coaching Tool?
I was chatting recently with an athlete I just started working with about an upcoming marathon she had planned to run. I am excited about the opportuity to be working with her; regardless of how...
View ArticleAre You Ready To Break The Cycle?
In response to a recent survey I sent out to some athletes on our mailing list, many told me how frustrated they are with an on again-off again running injury cycle. Quite a few also said they have...
View ArticleShould You Take A Break?
Shortly after the 2012 London Olympics, there was an article in the Wall Street Journal outlining how some elite marathoners were planning to take an extended complete break from any kind of training...
View ArticleRock Your Wall!
I hope your Tuesday has started off great! I sent out an note to our email friends last week that included a reference to a fun Will Smith video. In the email, I shared my SSQ and how important it is...
View ArticleNo One Wants To See How The Sausage Is Made
"That which is easy to do, is also easy not to do." - Jim Rohn If I've become known for one thing more than any other, it's speaking the truth. No, I'm not always right, but I do care. And because...
View ArticleThe Truth About Staying Young
If there's one thing that came through loud and clear from a survey I sent out a few weeks ago to the athletes on our email list, it's that a lot of runners and triathletes are worried about losing...
View ArticleToday It’s About THE SWIM! You In?
I'm sure you gathered from the subject line that the topic today is swimming, specifically for triathletes. If you're a triathlete and the subject interests you, cool, keep reading. If not, no...
View ArticleWho Wouldn’t Like To Run Faster Off Of The Bike?
"The truth isn't always popular, but it's always the truth." - unknown I've got some important (and very different) stuff to share with you today, and I know, because you're busy you may not want...
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